Friday, 16 March 2012

How to Remove Timeline

Overview of How to Remove I Disable Facebook Timeline
If you have got Facebook Timetine and want to change back to viewing the oLd styLe profite pages, or if
you haven’t got Timetine yet, but just want to view your friend’s Timetine pages in the old style profite
format, this guide is for you.
Currently, if you visit a Faceboook Timeline page, with a browser that identifies itself as “Internet
Explorer 7”, you will be shown the old style profite page for that person, instead of their Timetine page.
This is because Facebook haven’t yet created a version of Timeline that works with 1E7.
When you visit a website, your web browser sends it an identification code, known as the ‘User Agent’,
which Lets the site know what web browser you are using. This method for disabling timetine works by
changing your current browser’s “User Agent’ to 1E7 and tricking Facebook into showing you the old
style profile pages.
Guide to Remove I Disable Facebook Timeline
The method for setting the User Agent to 1E7 for the following browsers are listed below:


To change Googte Chrome’s User Agent you first need to download the appropriate fiLe beLow,
depending on what Operating System you are using.

Chrome on Windows 7 or Windows Vista
If you are running Wmdows Vista or Windows 7 the command in the file that will run Chrome with 1E7
as the user agent is as follows:

“%USEPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Gooqle\Chrome\Application\ chrome exe” ——user—agent=”Mozilla/40 (compatible; MSIE 7_o; Windows NT 60)”

1. Download (“Right Click” the link, select “Save link as...’ and save the .bat file to your “Desktop”)
2. Next Install the F.B. Purity browser extension, as it will fix a Lot of the display glitches that will
occur when you have your browser set to impersonate 1E7.
3. CLose a11 open Chrome browser Windows and Tabs, then dick the previousLy downloaded .bat fiLe
and it will run Chrome with ‘1Er as its “user agent’.
4. Now visit a TimeLine page, and you will see that it is now displayed as a normaL, oLd styLe profite
page. BTW If at any point, you want to go back to using the normal User Agent, just close all
Chrome windows and then open Chrome using your usual Chrome Icon, instead of the Bat file.
5. PLease dick the ‘like” button beLow, and also share the link to this page with all your friends, that
way they will also be able to view your Timeline page in the old style ProfiLe format:

Chrome on Windows XP
If you are running Windows XP the command in the fiLe to start Chrome with 1E7 as the UserAgent is
as foLLows 
“%USERPROFILE9.\Local Settings\Application
Data\Gog1e\hrosie\pp1ication\ chrose exe” ——user—agent=”Mozilla/ 4.0 (conpatible; MSIE
70; Windows NT 6 0)”

1. DownLoad (Right Click” the link, select “Save link as... and save the .bat tite to your Desktop)
2. Next Install the F.B. Purity browser extension, as it wiLl fix a Lot of the display gLitches that wiLl
occur when you have your browser set to impersonate lEi.
3. CLose aalIa open Chrome browser Windows then cLick the previousLy downLoaded .bat fiLe and it will
run Chrome with the lEi user agent.
4. Now visit a TimeLine page, and you wiLl see that it is now displayed as a normaL, oLd style profile
page. 81W If at any point, you want to go back to using the normaL User Agent, just dose all
Chrome windows and then open Chrome using your usual Chrome Icon, instead of the Bat file.
5. PLease click the Like button below, and also share the Link to this page with all your friends, that
way they will also be able to view your Timeline page in the old style Profile format


Its easy to switch Firefox’s User Agent to 1E7, the steps are as foLLows
1. InstaLL the ‘User Agent Switcher Extension from here.
InstaLl the F.B. Purity browser extension, as it WilL fix most of the dispLay gLitches that occur when
you switch the browser’s User Agent to 1E7, and it also has a Lot of other cooL and usefuL features for
customising Facebook.
3. Go to Firefox’s “Toots/User Agent Switcher/Internet ExpLorera menu and seLect ‘Internet ExpLorer 7’

4. Now go and view a TimeLine page, it wILL be displayed in the old Profite format. BTW If you want to
at any point switch the User Agent back to normal, just set the User Agent to DefauLt User Agent
or eLse just disable the User Agent Switcher extension.

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